Mulab 7 keycode
Mulab 7 keycode

mulab 7 keycode

Usually, the Note “0” corresponds to the Note “C-2” (sometimes “C-1”). This makes sure that your Note-Trigger events start with the lowest MIDI Number (= 0).

  • Make sure the Midi Keyboard is set to the lowest octave using the "transposition" function/buttons.
  • Make sure MIDI interface is activated (in menu “edit” -> midi setup) and running (check using midi monitor in menu MuLab > Help).
  • mulab 7 keycode

    (see also MuLab Online Help and the MuLab Forum at KVR) to control the volume on the mixer or playback) which in our case would be confusing) (Other DAWs have several pre-assigned controllers (e.g. The interface has its own logic (but that is the case for almost all music production software.) but once the principles are clear it offers an efficient workflow and is easy to use.Īlso, MuLab does not require an installation and can be run from a USB stick which simplifies distribution and testing.Īnother advantage is that MuLab is quite agnostic to MIDI control numbers, which makes it very flexible for mapping. It features a powerful Multisampler environment and lots of useful effects out of the box. It offers a free version with some limitations.

    mulab 7 keycode

    MuLab is a lightweight, crossplatform, modular music production environment. Interaction Design Wiki ・ Sonic Interaction Design MuLab Using MuLab

    Mulab 7 keycode